Wednesday, June 10, 2009


看到宝贝的blog,我的手又痒痒。也跟着一起写 ,哈哈~ 最近听到宝贝有些不开心的事情,我也有些感性,勉强能理解她的感觉~ 虽然在我们面前他很坚强,可是我明白他不是。我不懂要怎么安慰人家,因为我也好不到那里去。可是我还是希望他能很坚强的去面对。不管有谁离开你,至少我是那个站在你身边的那个,不离不弃。

今天在学校也没什么大不了的事情,刺激的是一天比一天接近考试的心情。有些害怕=。=~很久没有这种感觉了,很怀念~ 呵呵~


  1. Mantha...thx for three of u...i reli appreciate to have three of u...i will add oil to put down all the thing tat he with me...i also will try to forget all the thing and all our memory... bt give me sometime...thx a lot to stay beside me everytime...luv u all..mucksssssss...

  2. sam>nice 2 meet u n b ur fren...
    happy 2 b ur fren...gambateh in ur blog o...
    elaine here...

    shierley>stil hav 3 of ur tat is in 1 package 1...haha...though abit noisy...but once u nid our ears...v sure borrow u de...mayb cant help but at least can let u say it out n relax abit...
